about this month's featured artist: Hale Woodruff
about this image:
In 1939 Atlanta-based artist Hale Woodruff painted a series of murals for Talladega College, one of the oldest HBCUs (historically Black colleges and universities) in the United States. Three murals commemorate the centennial of the historic Amistad Revolt of 1839. Three more celebrate the building of Talladega’s Savery Library. Now, these six murals – newly-restored by the High Museum of Art - are back home and on exhibit at Talladega.
Celebrating Our Kids and Culture: Tribute to Aaron Douglas and his painting,
"Building More Stately Mansion" © 1944
Audios, Books, Board Game:
Cajun Country: BackPax/Don Klotz Studio
Journey to the Moon...and Beyond: NASA
Krik Krak!: iStockPhoto/Graham Heywood
Mark Twain's America - collage: Library of Congress photo/A.F. Bradley, 1906; BackPax/Don Klotz Studio
Nengajo:Japan: Wikimedia Commons/Utagawa Kunisada [Public domain]
Routes 'n Roots: Flickr/Rennett StoweSTEAL AWAY: Escape to Freedom on the Underground Railroad - BackPax/Bookmakers Inc.
This Little Light of Mine: 123RF/Natalia Perevozchikova
Trailblazing Yellowstone: Pixabay.com
Treasures of Ancient Mexico: iStockphoto, Ulga
Underground Railroad: Flickr/Ron Cogswell ("Unwavering Courage in the Pursuit of Freedom" monument to Harriet Tubman and Thomas Garrett
by Mario Chiodo, City of Wilmington, Delaware)
WAY TO GO!: Maruyama Design; iStockPhoto
When Rabbits Danced: Tales of the Iroquois: New York State Museum/"A Mohawk Iroquois Village"
Dara Roach, Skeebop Productions, Inc., www.skeebop.com/
Photographer, Kelly Bruso Photography, www.KellyBruso.com